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Kaiser Interstate
3600 N Interstate Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Monday through Friday from 11-1:30 pm​ or until sold out​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​Mon - 1/13 808 Grinds
​Tues - 1/14 Alchemy Sandwich Co. - order online here
Wed - 1/15 Nacheaux new menu!
Thurs - 1/16 Pepe Caliente
Fri - 1/17 Getta Gyro​
Mon - 1/20 Let's Roll PDX
​Tues - 1/21 Flying Barracuda
Wed - 1/22 Cajun Papas
Thurs - 1/23 Kama'aina Comfort Foods of Hawai'i
Fri - 1/24 TBD​
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